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CBSE Class 12th Accountancy Syllabus

Part A: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisations, Partnership Firms and Companies

Unit 1: Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organisations Units/Topics

Unit 2: Accounting for Partnership Firms Units/Topics

Note: Interest on partner’s loan is to be treated as a charge against profits. Goodwill to be adjusted through partners capital/ current account or by raising and writing off goodwill (AS 26)

Accounting for Partnership firms – Reconstitution and Dissolution.

Note: (i) The realized value of each asset must be given at the time of dissolution. (ii) In case, the realization expenses are borne by a partner, clear indication should be given regarding the payment thereof.

Unit-3 Accounting for Companies

Accounting for Share Capital

Accounting for Debentures

Note: Related sections of the Companies Act, 2013 will apply.

Part B: Financial Statement Analysis

Unit 4: Analysis of Financial Statements

Financial statements of a Company: Statement of Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet in prescribed form with major headings and sub headings (as per Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013) Note: Exceptional items, extraordinary items and profit (loss) from discontinued operations are excluded.

Unit 5: Cash Flow Statement

Meaning, objectives and preparation (as per AS 3 (Revised) (Indirect Method only)

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